Project Description
Program Overview:
Achieving excellence as a leader is all about that rare combination of hard logic coupled with
excellent soft skills, and the ability to balance these appropriately in any situation to achieve high
performance. A debatable question: Can a leader be a great manager? We then switch our topic to
the concept of management. Is management connected with leadership?
Developing leadership skill is a continuous or continual process. It cannot be developed overnight or
in the twinkling of an eye. It is almost like “Rome was not built in a day”. The difficult part lies with
getting a concrete concept or definition of ‘leadership’. There are so many elements and factors
incorporated with each other that it becomes very difficult to come to a single conclusion about its
nature and scope. In line with general traits of leadership individual style and personal traits give
another complex dimension to its salient features. Variation of situations and contexts are another
important deciding factor of its function.
Leadership is not a single component. It is multiple and its action is multilateral and versatile.
Successful leadership is a collection of many traits and the collection becomes an integral part of the
celebration of success. There are many schools of thoughts of leadership depending on different
circumstances and styles in conjunction with the psychological and cultural background of different
people around the world. Because of the advancement of technology and civilization manager of any
organization has to possess the modern traits of leadership.
Learning Outcomes:
The participants will be able to learn
(1) Great Attributes of a great leader
(2) Mobilizing resources with Motivation
(3) Putting the team under one umbrella
(4) Communicating and constant Inspiration
Lead managers, Manage leaders
Act on the Lead Measures
Keep a Compelling Scoreboard
Create a Cadence of Accountability (TEAM)
Creating Charter of 4 Discipline