Project Description
Program Overview:
A group is a gathering of a certain number of people. On the contrary, a team is a group of
individuals working together to solve a problem, meet common objective, or tackle an issue .It is
very easy to call a group ‘a team’. The challenging part lies with ‘building the team’. Many elements
are involved in creating the atmosphere of ‘team building’ spirit.
Building ‘team’ at work is a learned skill and learning how to form teams effectively is another critical
issue. For managers interacting with employees requires greater communication. With the age of
information technology, communication today between a manager and an employee is now
commonly conducted through e-mails and even text messages. Yet the ability to communicate
faster because of technology has created a real challenge. That challenge is the ability not only to
articulate what your words and thoughts are but to better understand what your employees are
communicating both verbally and non-verbally.
Keeping team spirit always on helps us minimize conflict and maximize productivity at work. As long
as the spirit of TEAM sustains, everything and anything is possible!
Learning Outcomes:
The participants will be able to learn
(1) the importance of teambuilding
(2) different stages of teambuilding
(3) to identify the roles of team members and tools to us their potential in stead of dealing with
conflict and pillow passing
(4) teambuilding spirit through case study, assessment & mind setting
Learning Topics:
Fundamentals of TEAM Dynamics
Role of TEAM members
Use of TEAM efforts
Dealing with TEAM Conflict
"A Chinese proverb states that "behind an able man there are always other able men."
The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of all great achievement. The question isn't
whether teams have value. The question is whether we acknowledge that fact and
become better team players. That's why I assert that one is too small a number to achieve
greatness. You cannot do anything of real value alone." -John C Maxwell